Barack Obama will not win the Democratic nomination for president. All the prejudices and preconceptions on the part of American voters, something Obama does not deserve that trust. It reminds me of The Manchurian Candidate, well maintained, very regular, always the right answers, but not quite. Coming from nowhere, it's just something that I do not trust him. The sad part is that the experts and the press seem to believe that he is a breath of fresh air in whatthe pool of American politics.
The man is well spoken and his presence is impressive. When he was in public policy, I might take a second look, but has too many answers for someone so new in the political arena. Unbelievable that people think its difficult to come to Washington and his special interests are something new. To quote the Washington Post referred to the recent YouTube debate:
Manchurian President
Again and again went to Obama, the concreteIssues and represent them to expand into a conversation about real change in the area. He castigated lobbyists and special interests in Washington, offers a radical rejection of "business as usual (both sides) in the nation's capital." We need not only a change in political parties, "said Obama." We need a change of attitude of the people representing Americans. "
Chris Cillizza, Washington Post.
It is unfortunate that memories are short. Each candidatePresident used the last thirty years, has done the same things, to change the time on how companies in Washington. And, every president does not make any changes to be as usual. If the Republican Congress and White House controlled no real changes were made. Now the Democrats control Congress and there are no real changes. We heard the same promises from Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and we still hear them.
The basic requirement for the partObama and his predecessor are false. There will always be special interests and say that you must do to get away with their influence is naïve and is contrary to U.S. policy say that one hundred and first have a change of attitude of the representatives need Americans, it is only partially correct. Elected officials in Washington reflects only the reflection of the American public. The picture is one of apathy, confusion, lack of conviction and lack direction.
The AmericanOfficials do not know what they want and looking for someone to tell them what to do and how they plan to get. They think that life has become so complex, and the questions so confusing that they canceled the responsibility of almost every aspect of their lives in Washington. As long as the confirmed, Washington will continue to be the battleground for competing special interests and the promise of the candidate to change this are simply wishful thinking. After all, how are theirCampaigns funded?
While Obama is a good show, I can not help but wonder who is behind the scenes of his campaign. If someone gives a tone to be good to be true, especially in politics, is throwing red flags. The field of Democratic candidates are not impressive, but it's probably a given to win the White House in '08. Of course, they have been known to blow solid leads. If Hillary is nominated it would be unwise to choose Obama as VP. I'm sure it would beto make a lot of pressure, but it would be his undoing. Then you can see Obama is a politician and see if it true or just another Manchurian Candidate.
Obama, Manchurian Candidate, old refrainMinecraft - Part 27: The Tunnel Run Tube. Duration : 17.00 Mins.The grand finale to season 1 of our minecraft series!
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